Saturday 4 January 2014

The real big D - Depression

For all my bluster, attempts at comedy, and such, the big D is still a big part of my life.

I, as I am in mind, going to try and make me explaining my depression as comical as I can.

Whether this is the best way to do it or not, at this very moment I feel it is.

I will get this out of the way first, Owen Patterson is an absolute twat. You are the environment sec, yet you are happy to get rid of all our environment, basically. Show some initiative, some balls, and some actual realisation of what you are in charge of.

I am 29 years of age now and my hair looks lovely, it really does, I could do a lot of things with it.

But what I want to talk about here is depression. And not the "OMG RIVER ISLAND HAVEN'T GOT THAT FAUX LEATHER BAG I WANTED" depression.

I am talking about that depression where you wake up in a morning, and think there is no point. When it gets to 6pm, and you are still feeling the same. When you get phone calls from family or friends and you still feel in your head and your heart you want to be isolated and don't want to see any of them. Or anyone at all.

You finally get out of bed to go to the toilet, feeling confident, but the first thing you do once you leave the toilet is get back in bed and turn your phone on silent, so the vibration won't disturb you.

I don't really know where I am going with this blog to be honest. As even though I try to relate and give advice above, it means shitall.

It's no problem at all that you have problems, but don't keep them secret, everyone is here to help. x