Sunday 20 October 2013

TABLE LADDERS AND CHAIRS MATCH:Public Bridleway's V Miley Cyrus V The Badger Cull

I can remember the first ever Tables Ladders and Chairs match. 

Sadly Working Men's Clubs aren't frequented as much on a Sunday Lunchtime these days. 

While the title of this post is like a proper war and ting, I don't mean I am going to compare them against each other. If I did the badger cull would win due to a complete lack of morality. I just want to have a short talk about all three of the items in the basket. 

Public Bridleways:

The sexy cousin of a public footpath. Harder, more shocking to the eye of a deaf person, and definitely a place I would love to open a Haberdashery if I got the planning permission. 

Miley Cyrus:

Don't break her heart, she might not understand. But deep down she will. 
A lot has been made of this lady of late, me personally, I think she is OK. It's not like she is risking her life by rebuilding drystone walls or provoking Koalas. Her favourite film is Ghostbusters 2, and I can't fault that. 

The Badger Cull:

Now then, this really is a bit of a sickly thing going on. The badgers can't fight back due to the Government confiscating all of their boxing gloves and Cat O Nine Tails.
The Government are wanting to eradicate these fierce cuddly bastards, just so them farmer types can buy new goalposts that they can move. 

My next post will be less serious, and I might have some paintings of bridges or storage compartments or snowflakes. 

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